The Bibliography of Ancient Egypt

The three hieroglyphs stand for Life, Prosperity and Health in Ancient Egyptian.
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Note: This list, classified by the name of the author(s), does not include
audiobooks, cd-roms, e-books, music or videos.




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The Great Archaeologists
The modern world's discovery of ancient civilizations
Edward Bacon
ISBN Unavailable
В© 1976В Secker and Warburg

The Great Archaeologists
The lives and legacy of the people who discovered the world's most famous archaeological s
Paul G. Bahn
ISBN 1844765628
В© 2009В Southwater

Tombs, Graves and Mummies
50 Discoveries in World Archaeology
Paul G. Bahn
ISBN 0753801272
В© 1998В Weidenfeld & Nicolson

L'Apostrophe Muette.
Essai sur les portraits du Fayoum
Jean-Christophe Bailly
ISBN 2850255440
В© 1997В Г‰ditions Hazan

Atlas of Ancient Egypt
John Baines & Jaromir MГЎlek
ISBN 0871963345
В© 1983В Facts on File
Reviewed by Francesca : The first part of the book introduces a comprehensive, condensed yet accurate summary of Ancient Egyptian history. The second part presents archaeological details and plans of the main cities of Upper and Lower Egypt, as well as Nubia. The last part offers a description of Ancient Egyptian society, with its scribes, its army, its religion, and its gods. The authors have also included a list of kings and pharaohs. Readers will see how the pyramids were hypothetically built through reconstructions and diagrams. Excellent maps, a glossary and a bibliography are to be found at the end of this wonderfully illustrated book. Highly recommended, it makes a good reference for all.

Visual and Written Culture in Ancient Egypt
John Baines
ISBN 0199577994
В© 2009В Oxford University Press

El Arte de los JeroglГ­ficos Egipcios
Laura Bamford
ISBN 8477471827
В© 1998В Tres Torres

Pyramides en moskeeГ«n
Architectuur in Egypte
Michiel Banning
ISBN 9062750613
В© 1981В Delftse Universitaire Press

Las Ciudades de las PirГЎmides en el Antiguo Egipto
Cuadernos de EgiptologГ­a Mizar, no. 1
Lucas BaquГ© Manzano
ISBN Unavailable
В© 1996В LibrerГ­a Mizar
Su autor, Lucas BaquГ© Manzano, ha llevado a cabo un estudio riguroso y profundo sobre las ciudades de la pirГЎmides, aportando informaciГіn Гєtil sobre este aspecto poco conocido del antiguo Egipto. Las pirГЎmides han sido, sin lugar a dudas, los monumentos mГЎs famosos de la civilizaciГіn de los faraones. Sin embargo, poco conocidos son los nГєcleos de poblaciГіn que se establecieron alrededor de tan espectaculares construcciones. NГєcleos de poblaciГіn que los propios egipcios denominaron como "ciudades de las pirГЎmides". La importancia de estos asentamientos de poblaciГіn resulta obvia desde el punto de vista urbanГ­stico, a pesar de que sean pocos, a menudo insignificantes los vestigios que consiguieron superar la barrera de los siglos. El presente trabajo rescatando parte de un preciado material trata de poner de relieve su indiscutible protagonismo histГіrico.

Encyclopedia of the Archeology of Ancient Egypt
Kathryn A. Bard
ISBN 0415185890
В© 1999В Routledge
Reviewed by Francesca : This major work of references provides 14 essays on ancient Egyptian history, from the Paleolithic cultures to the Roman period. An illustrated encyclopedia, it features over 300 A-Z entries and sub-entries (from A-Group Culture to Zawiyet el-Aryan) on archaeological sites, biographies of Egyptologists, buildings and much more. Each entry features suggestions for further reading. Contributors include world-famous Egyptologists and archaeologists. Maps and a chronology complete this outstanding work. Highly recommended for serious students and scholars.