The three hieroglyphs stand for
Life, Prosperity and Health
in Ancient Egyptian.
Logo © 1999-2009 The Bibliography of Ancient Egypt
Page 1 of 2 | Total number of books : 18 |
A History of Ancient Egypt.
George Rawlinson ISBN 111712293X © 2009 BiblioLife |
Categories : Civilization | ||
Abu Simbel and the Nubian Temples
Alberto Siliotti ISBN 9774245997 © 2000 American University in Cairo Press |
Categories : Civilization Monuments, Temples & Tombs Archaeological Sites & Cities Travel Guides | ||
Reviewed by Francesca : The author discusses the history from the origins to the Unesco Nubian rescue in 1961. He writes about the various temples in Nubia, including Kalabsha, Beit al-Wali, Dakka, Amada, Derr and Qasr Ibrim. The temples of Ramses II and Nefertari are described in avid detail. Completed by beautiful photographs and useful maps, this is a much needed guide, essential for travelers. |
Ancient Egypt's Warfare
A survey of armed conflict in the chronology of Ancient Egypt, 1600 B.C. - 30 B.C. Douglas S. Benson ISBN B0006F5TC8 © 1995 Bookmasters |
Categories : Civilization Historical Periods Egyptian Technology | ||
Ancient Egypt, an introduction
Salima Ikram ISBN 0521859077 © 2009 Cambridge University Press |
Categories : Civilization | ||
From This book provides an introduction to one of the greatest civilization of all time - ancient Egypt. Beginning with a geographical overview that explains the development of Egyptian belief systems as well as its subsequent political development, it examines methodology, the history of the discipline of Egyptology, religion, social organization, urban and rural life, and death. It also includes a section on how people of all ranks lived. Lavishly illustrated, with many unusual photographs of rarely seen sites that are seldom illustrated, this volume is suitable for use in introductory-level courses on ancient Egypt. It offers a variety of student-friendly features, including a glossary, a bibliography, and a list of sources for those who wish to further their interest in ancient Egypt. |
Archaic Egypt
Walter B. Emery ISBN 0140204628 © 1972 Penguin Books |
Categories : Civilization | ||
From Archaeological excavations at Sakkara, the necropolis of ancient Memphis, have uncovered important evidence about Egyptian civilization in the first two dynasties 3200-2780 BC. This book provides a survey of what we know, through these discoveries, of the cultural achievements of the great people who lived on the banks of the Nile nearly 5000 years ago. |
Aspects de l’Égypte antique
Jean Sainte Fare Garnot ISBN Unavailable © 1959 Institut francais d’archéologie orientale (IFAO) |
Categories : Civilization | ||
Egypt, Greece and Rome
Civilization of the ancient Mediterranean Charles W. Freeman ISBN 0198721943 © 1999 Getty Center for Education in the Arts |
Categories : Civilization Environment & Geography | ||
From This is a unique and comprehensive introduction to the ancient Mediterranean and its three major civilizations, Egypt, Greece, and Rome. It reveals a fascinating picture of the deep links between the cultures across the Mediterranean and explores the ways in which these civilizations continue to be influential to this day Beginning with the emergence of the earliest Egyptian civilization around 3200 BC, [the author] follows the history of the Mediterranean over a span of four millennia to AD 600, beyond the fall of the Roman empire in the west to the emergence of the Byzantine empire in the east. In addition to the three great civilizations, the peoples of the Ancient Near East and other lesser-known cultures such as the Etruscans, Celts, Persians, and Phoenicians are explored. The author examines the art, architecture, philosophy, literature, and religious practices of each culture, set against its social, politica, and economic background. Ample space is also given to key individuals, from Homer to Horace, the Pharaoh Akhenaten to the emperor Augustus, Alexander the Great to Julius Caesar, Jesus to Justinian, and Aristotle to Augustine. |
Egyptian Towns and Cities
Eric Uphill ISBN 0852639392 © 2001 Shire Publications |
Categories : Civilization Archaeological Sites & Cities | ||
Reviewed by Francesca : Main kinds of settlement and town planning are explained in details. The author discusses the evolution of villages into important cities; he also writes about the various types of housing, including royal residences and mansions. Frontier and military towns, workmen's villages and nome capitals are discussed and developed with much archaeological evidence. An informative book, illustrated with numerous maps; recommended for the interested reader or student. |
Hommages à Jean Leclant
I. Études pharaoniques- II. Nubie, Soudan, Éthiopie- III. Études isia Catherine Berger, Gisèle Clerc & Nicolas Grimal ISBN 2724701348 © 1994 Institut francais d’archéologie orientale (IFAO) |
Categories : Civilization Language & Literature Economy & Politics Environment & Geography | ||
Du site de l'éditeur : Cent quatre-vingt-huit auteurs se sont réunis pour offrir au professeur Jean Leclant quatre volumes d’Hommages ; la diversité et le nombre des spécialités représentées par ces études sont à l’image des nombreux centres d’intérêt du savant. Le premier volume est consacré aux Études pharaoniques, de l’Ancien Empire au Nouvel Empire, en insistant plus particulièrement sur les Textes des Pyramides. Les deuxième et troisième volumes traitent de « l’Égypte hors de l’Égypte » : Nubie, Soudan et Éthiopie aborde les relations de l’Égypte avec ses voisins méridionaux ; les Études isiaques analysent le rayonnement de l’Égypte dans le monde classique et les civilisations de la Méditerranée. Quant aux Varia du quatrième volume, ils regroupent les nombreuses recherches qui échappent aux cadres précédemment définis ; ils sont suivis d’une bibliographie de Jean Leclant qui comporte presque mille titres. |
Hommages à Jean-Claude Goyon
Luc Gabolde ISBN 2724704785 © 2008 Institut francais d’archéologie orientale (IFAO) |
Categories : Civilization | ||
Du site de l'éditeur : Quarante et un auteurs rendent ici hommage au Pr Jean-Claude Goyon, savant qui fut leur cadet, leur pair ou leur maître et dont ils ont particulièrement apprécié l’oeuvre scientifique. Celle-ci, par sa densité, son inspiration et sa rigueur, le place parmi les plus brillants savants de sa génération. Professeur émérite à l’université de Lyon II, où il a enseigné de 1977 à 2000, il a aussi été pendant de nombreuses années directeur scientifique de la Mission permanente du CNRS à Karnak. De la variété de ses intérêts et du nombre de ses amis résulte le panel très diversifié des contributions présentées ici et qui, parfois, viennent en écho lointain, se rattacher à ses propres travaux. |