The three hieroglyphs stand for
Life, Prosperity and Health
in Ancient Egyptian.
Logo © 1999-2009 The Bibliography of Ancient Egypt
To suggest or exchange links, or to indicate broken links, e-mail the website owner.
The website of Egyptologist Nigel Strudwick on
Ancient Egypt contains great links to various Egyptological
sites, and among those is a list of museums with collections of Ancient
Egyptian art.
Culture Diff'
Culture Diff' est une jeune entreprise de diffusion
de la culture scientifique, dans l'esprit de Montaigne, Voltaire et Diderot. Trois
rubriques constituent principalement le site Web associé : les rubriques HistoSciences, AstroEgypto et
Biographies. Sont également mis à la disposition des abonnés, trois espaces
multimédia : les espaces Librairie, Discussions et Conférences. L'auteure de ce site web,
Karine Gadré
, a écrit un superbe livre,
La Signification Astronomique des
Pyramides d'Égypte
Dynastic Egypt
This site contains a detailed account of the History of the Second and Third
Dynasty, a Corpus of Early Dynastic Inscriptions on Stone Vessels, one of Ist Dynasty ivory and wooden Labels, a thesis on Hesyra (in Italian) and some articles, news and links.
GREPAL unites professional archaeologists with other individuals interested
in developing a new understanding of the origins of civilization,
particularly through research in the Near-East and in Egypt. GREPAL's objectives include furthering scientific
research on the Levant's earliest civilizations. Activities are focused on
the excavations, the publication of collections, archaeological training, and
the diffusion of scientific findings to both professionals and to the general
public. (
version française du site GREPAL
Egyptian &
Sudanese Stamps
A basic site with details to contact Peter Feltus,
a reliable and recommended seller of used and new Egyptian and Sudanese
stamps. Also available on the site, a list of books on Egyptian and other
OsirisNet est consacré aux tombes et mastabas de
l'Égypte Ancienne, ainsi qu'aux aspects religieux et funéraires de cette
civilisation. Il est dédié à Osiris, souverain du Monde d'En-Bas.
Order the WinGlyph program with or without the
Extended Library. A must !
Looking for an Egyptologist ? Here is
the CCER's list of Egyptologists
who can be reached by mail.
the Isaac Newton Institute list of Egyptologists.
the Oriental Institute's Directory
of North American Egyptologists.
Ce site très bien conçu, par
Jacques Kinnaer
, contient d'excellentes informations sur
cette merveilleuse civlisation.
This great website, maintained by
Jacques Kinnaer
contains excellent information on this marvelous and fascinating
Egiptologia Cientifica y
Divulgativa / Scientific and Spreading
Pensada para el Gran Público. Web dedicada a la difusión de las ideas egiptológicas desde la perspectiva científica. En ella podr´s encontrar todo tipo de servicios, investigación, información y formación egiptológicas.
In Spanish. Designed for the Wide Public. Web page devoted to the
diffusion of egyptological ideas from a scientific
perspective. Herein you can find all kind of egyptological
services, information, searching and teaching.
Ancienne Égypte : un cours
Offert par l'Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), ce cours en français est
sublimement fait, et mérite d'être pris par tous.
Le professeur est l'historien
Michel Guay
Per Ankh
Créé en collaboration avec quelques élèves du cours de l'UQAM,
et dirigé par l'historien
Michel Guay
, ce site contient (entre autres) des
informations sur le Premier Congrès des Cyber
Élèves -- La Rochelle, 21, 22, 23 mai 1999.
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SSEA - Montreal's Chapter
Créée en novembre 1999 à Montréal, la Société pour l'Étude de l'Égypte
Ancienne (SEEA) est le chapitre québécois de la
Society for the
Study of Egyptian Antiquities
(SSEA) dont le siège social est à Toronto. La SEEA a pour but de
stimuler l'intérêt pour l'Égyptologie, d'assister les professionnels et les non-professionnels dans leurs recherches en ce domaine et
de promouvoir les expéditions archéologiques en Égypte.
The San Diego Society is one of nearly 100 local chapters of the
Archaeological Institute of America. A major activity of the San Diego
Society is their program of lectures featuring leading archaeologists. Their
quarterly (print) publication, The Glyph, announces our lecture programs and
special events and offers archaeological news, both local and worldwide. The
information is timely, educational, and often fun. The Glyph Editor
Ron Fellows
offers a
Thirteen Glorious Days of Discovery in Egypt from November 26 to December 9,
L'égyptologie universitaire dans le monde. Sujets de recherches d'étudiants
de près de 17 centres dans le monde. Articles, interviews, actualités,
annuaire des pages web en égyptologie et des
centres de recherches dans le monde. Forum, espace
EES - Egypt Exploration
The Egypt Exploration Society was founded in 1882, as the Egypt Exploration
Fund, in order to explore, survey, and excavate at ancient sites in Egypt,
and to publish the results of this work. Today it is one of the leading
archaeological organisations working in Egypt.
back to top
The Egyptologists' Electronic Forum is a moderated scholarly e-mail
discussion list for ancient Egypt (c. 5000 BCE - 622 CE), with both professionals
and amateurs subscribing. The EEF website has several handy FAQs (societies, journals, learning tools, etc), sorted
list archives, and a feature called EEF NEWS which offers a terrific overview
of Egyptological events worldwide
The Ancient Egyptian Language (AEL) website includes information on
subscribing to its discussion list and some useful pages on the Egyptian
A journal of Ancient Egypt. Of a very good quality, it is a must for all
Egypt buffs. You can subscribe and also find a few articles online.
This is a quarterly publication for the study of ancient Egypt. It is written
as a study journal for the enthusiast and student of Egyptology. The journal
contains interesting articles and study material for those with a passion for
ancient Egypt and students of Egyptology.
A few of Francesca's articles published in the journal include
: The Papyrus and its Origins; The Obelisks of Rome; and The
Lighthouse of Alexandria. Bibliography reviews also appear in the journal.
Seshat. Revista Española de Divulgación Egiptológica
Divulgar los temas egiptológicos de mayor interés para el gran público es nuestra finalidad.
Egipto es aún en su mayoría un desconocido país milenario desvirtuado por la literatura de ficción y
fantasía. Desde estas p´ginas intentaremos colaborar en la difusión y acercamiento del verdadero Egipto antiguo al público ´vido de conocimientos que no por serios o científicos dejar´n de ser apasionantes, sino m´s bien todo lo contrario. Entre los contenidos
se puede hallar:
Cielo en la Tierra
(pensamiento religioso),
y Anecdotas
A Traves
del Jeroglifico
(textos originales),
el Velo
y Humor
back to
As a press organisation and Europe's leading
cultural news site (published for the last six years and founded in Paris)
providing coverage, commentary and information on arts, culture and
entertainment across Europe and North America, has a
worldwide readership of culture buffs, professionals, universities and
business executives interested in the arts who are also frequent travellers. This site offers news, features, criticism
and interviews about art and archaeology exhibitions, classical music,
festivals, opera and pop stars, jazz, dance, film, CDs & books,
international cuisine, sport and technology in English, French and/or German.
Egypt - Land of
This wonderful site looks at various sites throughout Egypt. It has a
complete hieroglyphic king list. Visit tombs, inside and outside that of the
Valley of the Kings and Queens (including the Tombs of the Nobles, tombs at Tanis, pyramids, and mummies from both Royal Caches) and
animal tombs (especially Apis, Buchis,
Mnevis bulls). The site offers a list of gods and
looks closer at various dynasties.
The House of
An aid in the study of the Ptolemaic (Macedonian-based Greek), Roman Imperial
(Greco-Roman), and Byzantine rulers of Egypt based in Alexandria, this portal
site is intended for all classicists and students of Hellenistic history. The
House of Ptolemy web site concentrates on the Ptolemies
and their world, from 331 - 30 BCE. However, since the histories of Greek
rule and subsequent Roman rule overlap (and do so again later with Byzantine
rule) this site includes Roman rule in Egypt, and the Byzantine rule that
followed. During this almost 1000 years the dominant culture ['Hellenistic']
started as a Greek core with added native Egyptian and other foreign
elements. These elements were both blended and kept distinctly separate,
sometimes overlying the Greek core incompletely so that today scholars can
focus on the Greek facets, the native Egyptian facets, the other outside
influences, or all of these together when they discuss
The House of
and its legacies.
: Land of the Pharaohs
A showcase of everything Egypt has to offer, from culture and history to
tourist and trade information. This site brings Egypt to life through flash
animation and virtual tours. Visit the Giza Plateau
and enter the Great Pyramid of Cheops. Go on a tour
of Khan el Khalili Market in downtown Cairo, and
visit other places of interest. A site which is constantly being expanded in
an interesting, interactive and fun way.
Callum's History Discussion
My friend
holds a page with articles on Ancient Egypt and History. Anyone may
submit articles (already or not yet published) to Callum,
as long as they pertain to academic subjects. Visit his page for complete
& Women
The website of
Katherine Griffis-Greenberg
contains information and links
about goddesses and women in Ancient Egypt.
Subscribe to the new journal "Friends of Nekhen".
Find more information about Hierakonpolis, and its
ongoing excavations. Browse their bibliography on Hierakonpolis.
The official Chris Dunn website. Dunn's pyramid odyssey began in 1977 when he
read Peter Tompkins' book
Secrets of the Great Pyramid
. His
immediate reaction to the Giza Pyramid's schematics
was that this edifice was a gigantic machine. Visit his site for more
Egyptian Virtual Temple
Owned by
, this
graphic-intensive site tries to convey what is Ancient and seeks to focus on
the truth of what that is.
La Pyramide de Saqqara
Le site fantastique de
Jean-Marc Mercier
, sur la pyramide à degrés de Djoser.
A great website on Djeser's Step Pyramid, by
Jean-Marc Mercier
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