The three hieroglyphs stand for
Life, Prosperity and Health
in Ancient Egyptian.
Logo © 1999-2009 The Bibliography of Ancient Egypt
Page 1 of 64 | Total number of books : 638 |
Jean-Olivier Gransard-Desmond ISBN 1841716189 Р’В© 2004Р’ Р’ British Archaeological Reports (BAR) |
From Combining archaeological and environmental evidence with iconographic analysis, this study examines the place of the dog in pre-Pharaonic Egypt. After a discussion of the types of fox, jackal and hyena that would have inhabited Palaeolithic and prehistoric Egypt, Gransard-Desmond discusses the domestication of the dog, the development of different types, the history of the relationship between man and dog, the different uses made of dogs and their role in religion. In addition to seals, decorated tablets, figurines and paintings, the inclusion of dog figures in burial assemblages hints at their special place in early Egyptian society. Includes a catalogue of objects and sites. |
Pierre Lacau ISBN Unavailable |
Gaston Maspero ISBN Unavailable Р’В© 1916Р’ Р’ E. Leroux |
Auteurs divers ISBN 2724704709 |
Du site de l'diteur : ГЂ l’occasion de la commГ©moration du centenaire de son installation dans le palais Mounira au Caire, l'Institut franГ§ais dвarchГ©ologie orientale, en association avec le Conseil suprГЄme des antiquitГ©s de lgypte, prsente au Muse du Caire une rtrospective des travaux archГ©ologiques mens au cours des 25 dernires annes. Durant cette priode, une importance croissante a tdonne Г lвexploration des zones dsertiques de part et dautre de la Valle du Nil, sans pour autant ngliger des zones mieux connues comme celle des Pyramides, proches du Caire. Cette exposition tmoigne de ces rcents dveloppements, en proposant une slection dвobjets exhums par les fouilleurs dans une dizaine de sites, illustrant la varit des poques et des problmatiques concernes. |
A Biographical Dictionary of Ancient Egypt
Rosalie David & Antony E. David ISBN 1852640324 Р’В© 1992Р’ Р’ Seaby |
Reviewed by Francesca : This is an essential tool of research for scholars. The aim of this reference work is to incorporate as much up-to-date reference as possible. Outlining the Egyptian history up to the 4th century A.D., the authors present in alphabetical order brief biographies of Egyptian kings, and other important historical and cultural figures, as well as some less well-known individuals : Akhenaten, Nefertiti, Cheops, Tutankhamun, Sethos I, Ramesses II, Ipuwer, Manetho, Alexander the Great, and Herodotus are just a few of the more than 200 entries on important historical and cultural figures in this impressive reference work. |
A community of Workmen at Thebes in the Ramesside Period
Jaroslav Cerny ISBN 2724702964 © 2001  Institut francais d’archéologie orientale (IFAO) |
Du site de l'Г©diteur : L'ouvrage de J. Cerny consacrГ© Г la vie des artisans de Deir al-Medina est un grand classique des Г©tudes Г©gyptologiques... Le lecteur trouvera ici, outre le texte original de Cerny, les index des documents citГ©s et des noms de particuliers qui rendent sa consultation plus facile. |
A Dictionary of Ancient Egypt
Margaret Bunson ISBN 0195099893 Р’В© 1995Р’ Р’ Oxford University Press |
From the book cover: From ГЃha, king of the 1st Dynasty at Memphis (2920 B.C.), to the pleasure palaces at Zerukha, this fascinating A-Z dictionary places more than 1,500 entries on the rich world of ancient Egypt right at the readers fingertips. The first single-volume reference of its kind, [this book] vividly combines the historical, religious, creative, artistic, military, and personal details of this venerable civilization on the Nile. |
A Glimmer of Light from the Eye of a Giant
Tabular Evidence of a Monument in Harmony with the Universe Joseph Turbeville ISBN 1552124010 Р’В© 2000Р’ Р’ Trafford Publishing |
From the book cover: A mathematical combination of the Fibonacci series with a process of number reduction by distillation led to the development of several numerical tables that provide evidence of a direct numerical connection to the Great Pyramid and the cosmological order of the universe. |
A History of Ancient Egypt
Marc Van De Mieroop ISBN 1405160713 Р’В© 2010Р’ Р’ Wiley-Blackwell |